Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter break in the end.

I can't believe I have only been out of school for two weeks.  So much has happened on this break.  It has been amazing.  I got out to AZ, hung with the family a ton, fixed my truck, saw tons of friends, skated a lot surprisingly, and finally brought in the New Year.  Having the wood burning stove is great.  I would rather be in my garage with that thing going than in the house.
550 in parts.  Basically a new truck.  New ball joints, shocks, rotors, calipers, bearing seals, the whole deal.  Jim is the man.

Not enough Pablo in my life.

heating up the garage.

Nathan came over.

Chillin in the heat.

guns are cool.

jorr's bike before.

Jorr's bike during, more to come I hope.

Feliz ano nueva, La Hacienda NYE 2011 or 2012?


el presedente demonstrating the presidential method for fliff application.

Indy park is always good, well almost always good.  On New Years Day even though it is cold and windy, its good.

guns are cool.

fire, meatsies, chipsies.

sessions.  People actually like my ramp...

Yah I can sew.  So what.  Tofuman owns the machine.

Hunter's bike is coming along!

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